Hello there 👋🏻

I am an autistic user experience researcher. I have a passion for troubleshooting, tinkering, and optimization.

My journey as a user researcher started as a happy coincidence when I joined Calo Inc. as a customer experience agent. I was lucky to have a VP of Product who believed in me, let me dip my toes into user research, and became a mentor.

I fell in love with user research, became a sponge, learned everything I could from the teams I worked with, and read every book recommended. I gained extensive knowledge and expertise in user experience research methods.

When I’m not working

I love to spend time with my cats, reading fiction and nonfiction indiscriminately, watching video essays covering broad subjects from social commentary and current events to niche topics like Indiana Jones’s hat, and going to the gym if I can psyche myself up to do it.