Wa’ad Al Saidi

A User Experience Researcher with a background in Software Engineering and Academic research.

I’m passionate about exploring the intersection between technology & human behavior. I have a keen eye for detail and an inquisitive nature.

I enjoy seeing the evolution from raw data to useful insight by applying the proper process to the question at hand.

Important Note

A significant portion of my work is protected by an NDA. I took careful consideration in putting together the case studies without revealing any protected information. I'm happy to expand on any methods or processes and provide more details without violating the nondisclosure. Any screens used are public domain.

Case Studies

Personal Research Philosophy

I believe user research should be done ethically, holistically, and with due diligence. Even if the underlying motivation is a financial or a business goal, user research should be driven by empathy.

Being user-centric does not mean transcribing what they say and delivering it; “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” It means rigorous observations to understand their motivation.

Regardless of the fast-changing landscape, we are all standing on the shoulders of giants like Norman, Krug, and Cooper. With access to platforms like Interaction Design Foundation, UX Research & Strategy, and ADP List. There is no excuse for a frustrating user experience.

Developers are also our users, and trade-offs are inevitable. However, trade-offs shouldn’t be a get-out-of-jail card; the decision should be made with deliberation and a complete understanding of the impact.

Trade-offs are just an example of how collaboration is at the heart of creating a needed, helpful, and non-intrusive experience. I can wax poetic about the nobility of user research, but if I can’t get the buy-in, I have failed the users. A fate that can be prevented by having enough data, making sure I have a clear understanding of the problem, and being able to present my case concisely.